UPSC Essay

Democracy in India Success or Failure – Essay for UPSC

In this article, we will discuss the UPSC essay for Democracy in India Success or Failure, The Future of Indian Democracy, and Threats to Indian Democracy.

Is Democracy in India Success or Failure?


Two sisters decided to go on religious tourism to Iraq to the holy shrine of Imam Ali. After reaching there, when they were going to a mosque, a young boy of 10 years, came for selling some handmade clothes.

Initially, they ignored him, but with his constant request, they looked at the clothes, he was selling. One sister asked the boy, “Didn’t you go to school”. He replied, “I went to school just for 4 days”. She asked what happened after that. A boy said something that took the heart out of both sisters. One day, some people in black dresses came to the village, destroying my school. When my brother and father tried to stop them, they killed them.

A tear rolls down the eyes of both the girls. They felt proud that they were born in a democratic country like India. Where education is a right, not privilege.


A country, where every day one opens his eyes to freedom and liberty. In a country, people decide who will run the country rather than some terror groups like ISIS. However, in recent times there has been discussion and debates about threats that vibrate Indian democracy. The recent killing of Gauri raised doubt about the liberty and culture of tolerance in Indian democracy. Some critics are even quick to call, the future of Indian democracy not only lame but also blind. Let’s discuss all these issues and ways in which like always India can defy all its critics once again.

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Some Threats to Indian Democracy

Liberty and Freedom

The most common perceivable and discussed threat to Indian democracy is liberty and freedom for which our freedom fighters struggled against the Britishers. No doubt, the unfortunate threats of various relations have shocked the country. But calling the whole Indian democracy intolerant would be for fetch. The social media revolution has completely changed the way and mechanism to criticize and showcase dissent against the government. Even the government for the first time has come up with portals like, where people can share dissatisfaction along with their innovative ideas. Thus, strengthening the liberty and tolerant culture in coming times, thereby healthy democracy.

Communalism and Criminalization


The second biggest threat on which the future of Indian democracy depends is communalism, casteism, and the criminalization of Indian politics. For instance, the percentage of MPs with serious criminal cases at 34%, which has 23% a decade ago. Moreover, the Parliament which constitutional fathers call a Temple of democracy has eventually become a workplace for criminals. But, on all fronts, Indian democratic Institutions are working progressively with the recent Supreme Court judgment on the bar of using primordial identities like a religion for seeking votes. Even, Fast Track courts and consolidation of cases have been recommended by Supreme Court. Hence, even on this front winds of change are not only fighting but changing Indian democracy.

Economic Condition

One of the most important pillars, the economic condition is threatening Indian democracy. As India is the fastest-growing democracy in the world. Last year, from the fastest growing economy of 7.1 % to 5.7 %. The more worrying situation, many indicators like the Index of Industrial Production show a gloomy picture.

However, an economist identifies the problem as a demand shock, and the core human capital index of 105 is largely responsible for the drying up of private investment. It has threatened, the Indian economy and the two friends. Firstly, about 1 million youth added to the labor force not getting jobs and turning to protests. On the other hand, these harbingers of change become more threats than assets.


Amartya Sen, in his book,” India: an uncertain Glory” gives a capability-building approach to fighting this challenge. Higher capability with investment in health and education from 3.5% combined to 9% of GDP can turn the Wheels of the skill revolution. India could become the “Skill Capital of the World” handbrake a vicious cycle of joblessness and internal security threat to Indian democracy.

Indian government both at the state and the central level came up with various programs like National Health Mission, National Skill Development Mission, etc. However, real game changes would be when basic amenities of food, livelihood, and sanitation will improve and result in positive economic growth and the strengthening of democracy.

Corrupt Bureaucratic System

The next biggest threat to Indian democracy is an inefficient and ineffective corrupt bureaucratic system. Which is supposed to be a change agent that acts as a stumbling block for the empowerment of the poorest of the poor. This picture of Bureaucracy might be true for colonial India. Things have changed in the last 70 years. It’s due to Bureaucracy that provided stability to Indian democracy while all the neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh went through autocratic rules.


India has eradicated poverty from 80 % to 21%, and the literary rate from 17% to 74%. This would not be possible without positive bureaucracy. However, it certainly needs reforms like the Right to Information, Lokpal, Citizen Charter, and civil service board are in process. That makes them truly servant to people than politicians. Thus, turning the future of Indian democracy from dark to bright.

Climate Change on Democracy

Further, strengthening the fight against Change Change could also threaten 0 the stability of Indian democracy. India uses its democratic values of returning it from just the State’s responsibility to People’s movement afforestation drives.

Moreover, tribals are the most neglected communities in all the democracies of the world. India came up with joint forest management, that will turn them into partners in development and environmental protection. Additionally, institutionalize their participation in Indian democracy. Hence, increasing the robustness of Indian democracy.


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What is the Future of Indian Democracy?

In the previous section, we discussed various dimensions and their dynamics. Overall it turns out to be Indian democratic values are evolving. The truth lies in our value system, spiritualism that does not ingrain the values of liberty and tolerance in society through processes of enculturation. As long as these values of humanity, sustain and evolve in India. The flower of Indian democracy in not only spreads within its geographical boundary. But, can act as a torchbearer to the whole world. So that no child has to see the horrific face of terrorism.

 In the words of Gandhiji,” My vision of democracy is under which even the weakest member of society will have the same opportunity as the strongest”. Indeed, Indian democracy is on its way to achieving it.


We have discussed Democracy in India Success or Failure, Threats to Indian Democracy, and Threats to Indian Democracy in all aspects. Click on the link below if you want to read a similar article.

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Vikramjit Singh

Vikramjit Singh, founder of Newscoop, an esteemed UPSC educational website, helps aspirants prepare for UPSC CSE with 5 years of experience, offering a deep understanding of crucial concepts.

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