Difference Between the Cabinet and Council of Ministers

difference between cabinet and council of ministers
In the world of politics, terms like “cabinet” and “council of ministers” are frequently used, often interchangeably. While ...

Shadow Cabinet: Origin & Functions in India

Shadow Cabinet UPSC Features functions
In parliamentary democracies around the world, the concept of a shadow cabinet plays a crucial role in the ...

Eat Right India Movement: Objectives & Initiatives

Eat Right India Movement UPSC
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of healthy eating habits and their ...

Sarkaria Commission Report: Objectives & Recommendations for Centre-State Relations

Sarkaria Commission Report and Recommendations UPSC
The Sarkaria Commission, officially known as the Commission on Centre-State Relations, was constituted by the Government of India ...

Quality Council of India (QCI): Facts & Chairman

Quality Council of India (QCI) UPSC - Chairman
In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the Quality Council of India (QCI). Established in ...

Fazal Ali Commission: Recommendations & Members

Fazal Ali Commission -Recommendations & Members - UPSC Committee
The Fazal Ali Commission, officially known as the First States Reorganisation Commission, was a landmark initiative in the ...

Advantages & Disadvantages of the New Education Policy of 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of New Education Policy 2020 - Drawbacks - pros and cons
In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the New Education Policy of 2020, exploring both ...

Quit India Movement: History, Causes & Facts | UPSC

quit india movement upsc
If you are searching for the “Quit India Movement for UPSC“, you have come to the right place. ...

Free Laxmikant Indian Polity Handwritten Notes In English PDF for UPSC & SSC CGL

Free Laxmikant Indian Polity Handwritten Notes In English PDF for UPSC & SSC CGL
Free Laxmikant Indian Polity Handwritten Notes In English PDF for UPSC & SSC CGL
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