Madalasa Charita: Written by Krishnadevaraya


Madalasa Charita is a Sanskrit play written by the famous Indian emperor and poet, Krishnadevaraya. He was the ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire in South India during the 16th century and is widely considered one of the greatest poets and rulers of the period. This play is a masterpiece of Sanskrit literature and is renowned for its powerful themes of virtue, duty, and wifely devotion.

Madalasa Charita is a powerful and timeless work that continues to be relevant to audiences today. The play’s themes of virtue, duty, and the importance of wifely devotion are universal and serve as a reminder of the enduring values of traditional Indian society. The play is also a testament to the skill and mastery of Krishnadevaraya as a poet and dramatist.

BookMadalasa Charita
Written byKrishnadevaraya
Type of Story
Madalasa Charita

Story of Madalasa Charita

The play tells the story of Madalasa, a beautiful and virtuous queen who lived in the kingdom of Vatsa. Madalasa was known for her wisdom, intelligence, and unwavering commitment to her husband and her duties as a wife. The play begins with King Vardhamana, Madalasa’s husband, going to the forest to hunt. During his absence, Madalasa is approached by a sage who tries to seduce her. Despite the sage’s advances, Madalasa remains steadfast in her loyalty to her husband and resists his attempts to seduce her.

The sage, who is frustrated by Madalasa’s refusal, goes to King Vardhamana and accuses her of infidelity. The king, filled with anger and jealousy, banishes Madalasa from the kingdom. Madalasa is left to wander in the forest, where she encounters various challenges and obstacles. Despite the difficulties she faces, Madalasa remains committed to her virtue and the ideals of wifely duty.

As Madalasa’s journey continues, she meets various people and faces new challenges, but remains true to her beliefs and continues to uphold her duties as a wife. She eventually meets a king who recognizes her virtue and offers to help her clear her name and win back the love and trust of her husband. With the help of this king, Madalasa is able to reunite with her husband and clear her name. The play ends with the couple being reunited and the kingdom being restored to peace and prosperity.

Written by Krishnadevaraya


Krishnadevaraya was a prolific writer and is considered one of the greatest poets of the Kannada language. He wrote numerous works of poetry and prose, including the famous play Abhijnana Shakuntalam, which is widely regarded as one of the greatest works of Indian dramatic literature. Krishnadevaraya’s writing reflects his deep understanding of the human condition and his commitment to promoting the values of wisdom, compassion, and virtue.


In conclusion, Madalasa Charita is an important and timeless work that continues to be a source of inspiration for audiences today. Further, it is a powerful testament to the rich cultural heritage of India and serves as a valuable contribution to the world’s literary and dramatic traditions. Whether you are a student of Sanskrit literature or simply a lover of great stories, Madalasa Charita is a must-read text that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

What is Madalasa Charita?

Madalasa Charita is a Sanskrit play written by the Indian Emperor, Krishnadevaraya. It tells the story of Madalasa, a virtuous queen who triumphs over adversity and showcases the power of wifely devotion and duty.

Who Wrote Madalasa Charita?

Madalasa Charita was written by Krishnadevaraya, who was an Indian Emperor and a patron of arts and literature. He was the third ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire and is widely regarded as one of the greatest rulers in Indian history.

Madalasa Charita was Written in which language?

Madalasa charita was written in Sanskrit Language by Krishadevaraya.


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