
System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an innovative and sustainable methodology for cultivating rice that has garnered widespread attention and adoption across the globe. In this article, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), an innovative methodology that has reshaped the landscape of rice cultivation.


Further, this article provides a clear overview of SRI – its history, importance in modern agriculture, key principles & techniques, global impact, advantages, and disadvantages. By the end, you’ll understand how SRI offers a sustainable and productive approach to rice farming. It provides valuable insights for UPSC aspirants seeking a comprehensive understanding of sustainable rice farming.

What is Rice Intensification?

Rice Intensification, often referred to as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), is a forward-thinking approach to rice cultivation that emphasizes achieving higher yields while minimizing resource consumption. This method encompasses various techniques, including the transplantation of young seedlings, adopting wider plant spacing, minimizing water usage, utilizing organic nutrient management, and employing mechanical weeding for effective weed control.

Through the application of these practices, SRI seeks to elevate rice productivity, foster sustainable agricultural practices, and tackle the challenges presented by growing population demands and environmental limitations.

Historical Background


In the 1980s, Father Henri de Laulanié introduced the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Madagascar as an experimental method to boost rice yields, particularly in areas with limited resources. As its effectiveness became evident, the SRI approach garnered widespread acknowledgment and was subsequently adopted in rice-growing regions across the globe.

Over time, the principles of SRI have been modified and optimized to accommodate a range of agro-climatic conditions, establishing it as a versatile and adaptable approach to rice farming.

Technique of Rice Intensification

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique involves:

  • Transplanting young rice seedlings (8-15 days old).
  • Maintaining wider spacing between plants for better growth.
  • Emphasizing the use of organic manure for soil enrichment.
  • Employing controlled, intermittent irrigation to maintain optimal soil moisture levels.
  • Prioritizing mechanical weeding over herbicides for sustainable weed control.

Advantages of System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

  • Increased Yield: SRI has been shown to significantly enhance rice yields, resulting in higher grain production per unit area.
  • Water Efficiency: SRI reduces water consumption by up to 30% compared to traditional rice farming methods. This is crucial in water-scarce regions.
  • Reduced Input Costs: By relying on organic nutrient management and minimizing chemical inputs, SRI helps farmers reduce production costs, leading to higher net profits.
  • Climate Resilience: SRI practices contribute to climate resilience by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing the adaptability of rice plants to changing environmental conditions.
  • Enhanced Soil Health: The incorporation of organic matter improves soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity, leading to sustainable and long-term agricultural productivity.

Disadvantages of System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

  • Labor Intensive: SRI can be more labor-intensive compared to conventional methods, especially during the transplanting stage.
  • Knowledge and Training: Implementing SRI effectively requires training and knowledge dissemination, which may be a challenge in some regions.
  • Adaptation Period: Transitioning to SRI may require time for farmers to adjust to new practices and see the full benefits.
  • Initial Investment: Some farmers may face initial costs in adopting SRI practices, such as acquiring organic inputs and adjusting irrigation methods.
  • Variability in Results: The success of SRI can be variable depending on factors like local conditions, soil types, and the capacity of farmers to implement the techniques effectively.

Also Read: Integrated Farming System: Advantages & Types | UPSC


The System of Rice Intensification stands as a beacon of hope for sustainable and productive rice farming. Its adoption has transformed the lives of countless farmers and holds the potential to mitigate the challenges posed by increasing global population and environmental constraints.

As a holistic approach to rice cultivation, SRI exemplifies the power of innovative, community-driven solutions in addressing food security and agricultural sustainability.


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Vikramjit Singh

Vikramjit Singh, founder of Newscoop, an esteemed UPSC educational website, helps aspirants prepare for UPSC CSE with 5 years of experience, offering a deep understanding of crucial concepts.

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