Truth never damages a cause that is just- Essay for UPSC
In this essay “Truth never damages a cause that is just” for UPSC, we shall look at why truth forms the bedrock of a morally strong society. We shall also look at historical and contemporary examples with emphasis. The importance of being truthful in both the personal and social spheres. At last, we shall conclude with lessons we learned throughout this essay. Let’s start the essay on “Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
Introduction to Truth never damages a cause that is just.
It was a critical time for the US government when newspapers were filled with criticism of the powerful state machinery. TV channels were Hosting debates over the false bubble of privacy modern men live in, all because of one man. Edward Snowden exposed the mass surveillance program of the United States. The USA was constantly monitoring its citizens in every sphere of life.
Why did Snowden do it? The whistle-blowing act made him a target. he was branded Anti National for harming the country’s reputation as the world’s oldest democracy in the international arena. He and his family faced online abuse, death threats, and harassment by Federal agencies. His professional ethics also forbade him from doing it. still, he went ahead. Why?
It was because he believed in a cause that was greater than him. fellow citizens deserved to know what the government was doing. He felt exposing the secretive activities was a result of his morality. The above incident shows that truth comes with a cost. it is not always easy to walk that path but is always rewarding to overall society. Believing in something and choosing truth as our companion certainly deserves more of our attention.
Truth: Faith and not a Choice
The Father of our nation “Mahatma Gandhi” choose Satyagraha as a tool to fight an imperialist power. He had a firm belief in the continuity of ends and means. True Independence for him signified the removal of cowardice and social stigma from society.
In 1921, when the Non-Cooperation Movement was in full swing and saw unprecedented participation from all classes he called it off. For him, the Chora Chori incident was a shocker. he was criticized by all sections. Yet he chooses to remain truthful in his ideals and principles. He wanted to convey that being truthful to our values is not a matter of choice, it is faith. Its conduct set the tone for Indian National Movement. Further, Independence from foreign power was meaningless, unless we are honest in our approach. The same ideals and values guide present establishments to achieve the goal of a politically, socially, and economically inclusive society.
What is Truth?
It is a fact, it is not something dependent on circumstances. It is absolute & it is not pragmatic. It is said that nothing is harder in this world than telling truth and nothing is better. Truth is most respected and valued under unfavorable circumstances.
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Examples related to the “Truth never damages a cause that is just” essay

- Lord Buddha, set out in search of truth. Further, enunciated all material pleasures and worldly things. He gave an eightfold path to achieve the truth. it was he who made Buddhism Protestantism of the East.
- Honesty is a virtue and religions also ascribe to this fact. Swami Vivekananda emphasizes on Oneness of all religions. He propagated that we are children of one God and that all religions are the same. During the independence struggle, Dadabhai Naoroji brought out the truth about the economic exploitation of the country.
- Similarly, Gandhiji with most honesty exposed the evil effects of modern civilization. He busted the myth of the white man’s burden and racial superiority. The truth about rich Indian culture was part of his book “Hind Swaraj”.
- In ancient Greece, when money and power were considered means to a good life, Socrates revealed the truth. he held the importance of ethics and morality and even chose to drink poison to prove his principles.
- Karl Marx believed in the course of emancipation of the working class. He criticized the existing capitalist economy and brought its ill effects to the fore. Moreover, his truth strengthened the cause of workers, and the concept of a welfare state emerged.
- In the administrative field, honesty is a necessary means to excellence. Further, the truth generates confidence in society in the state machinery. Ashok Khemka is a symbol of honesty fought against evil and corrupt systems. In addition, he showed exemplary courage in being truthful to his ideals.
- Similarly, it was PN Bhagwati who realized the importance of truth in society. he is the father of public interest litigation which imparted Indian democracy a vibrant and bright color.
- Bishnoi Community in Rajasthan stood for protecting the environment. Laying down their lives for a cause they believed in was not easy but they served as a beacon of hope for activists across the globe.
- In contemporary times, Greta Thunberg talked about environmental justice. The courage she showed for a school-going girl was extraordinary. Further, IT led to the rise of the “People for Fridays moment.”
- Women have been historically discriminated against in our gender society. They have been subjected to violence, and abuse, and overpowered by a patriarchal society. Me too movement encourages women to speak the truth about sexual abuse faced by them. Gradually, transcended borders and became a global phenomenon.
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy worked towards the upliftment of women. Moreover, he promoted the truth about the evil practice of Sati in the light of scientific rationality. His efforts led to the abolition of Sati and his Brahmo Samaj continues to work for the emancipation of women to date.
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Political Leaders in the “Truth never damages a cause that is just” essay
Politics is generally believed to be an evil profession, truth is generally strangled and hidden. But politicians such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee provide a ray of hope. Overcoming their political and partisan interests, they were able to work for nation-building in an honest capacity.
In society, truth and honesty are not always respected and appreciated. We as a society respect powerful corrupt men and even encourage them. But it didn’t deter Anna Hazare from spearheading the anti-corruption campaign and bringing Lokpal Act 2013, a reality. Even JP Narayan’s moment in the 1970s ultimately stood for truth. It exposes present-day governments’ malpractices and mobilizes students and the masses to fight for a just cause.
Conclusion to “Truth never damages a cause that is just” essay
Truth never hurts a just cause, on the contrary, it strengthens it. Any cause that can stand the test of truth is just. If the achievers and supporters of humanism, peace, tolerance, compassion, and scientific temper are a just cause. It doesn’t always involve big ethical decisions of national and global concerns. On an individual level too, Truth can be practiced, a lawyer fights for truth. The teacher needs to be honest in teaching students. Government employee needs to be honest in their dealings and Society is overall formed by a truthful citizenry.
In times when government and institution fails, then it is the responsibility of the citizen to speak the truth through the newspaper, opinions, editorials, TV, radio, social media, etc. Remaining complacent and believing lies is a dangerous path. The above-mentioned examples show the power and relevance of truth. in today’s world marred with war and conflict, environmental destruction, communalism, and regionalism, truth is a potent tool. We need to step up, to ensure a society based on values of tolerance, peace, sustainability, and compassion. It is in our interest that every action be based on truth.
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