
Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription (159-478 AD)

What is Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription?

The Paharpur Copper Plate inscription is a historical artifact discovered in the ruins of the Buddhist monastery at Paharpur, Bangladesh. The inscription is written in the Brahmi script and records the donation of land to the monastery by a local ruler named Buddha Gupta. The inscription provides important information about the political and religious history of the region during this time period.

InscriptionPaharpur Copper Plate Inscription
Located in Bangladesh
During3rd Century
Related to Buddhist Monastery
Belongs toBuddha Gupta
Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription

Importance of Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription


The Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription is regarded as an important historical record because it gives vital information on ancient India’s political and social conditions.

The inscription recalls the donation of land and other gifts to a Buddhist institution known as the Paharpur Monastery in modern-day Bangladesh. The inscription also includes the names of the officers and administrators in charge of the property and the institution.

According to some researchers, the Paharpur Copper Plate inscription was given to mark the building or rebuilding of the Paharpur Monastery, which was an important center of Buddhist scholarship and culture. The inscription also gives information on the social and economic conditions of the time, such as the land tenure system and the significance of Buddhism in society.


It is also worth noting that the inscription is written in a kind of Sanskrit known as “Palasanskrit” which differs from traditional Sanskrit.

Also Read: Hathigumpha Inscription


In summary, the Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription is an ancient Indian historical document that contains vital information about the political and social situations of the period, including the land tenure system and the role of Buddhism in society. The inscription, which is assumed to have been issued by a Pala dynasty emperor, commemorates the transfer of land and other gifts to a Buddhist institution.

Where is Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription?


The Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription is located in Paharpur, Bangladesh. Paharpur is an archaeological site in the northern region of Bangladesh that contains the remains of an ancient city and Buddhist monastery.

What is Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription?

Paharpur Copper Plate Inscription is an ancient Indian historical document that contains vital information about the political and social situations of the period, including the land tenure system and the role of Buddhism in society.

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Vikramjit Singh

Vikramjit Singh, founder of Newscoop, an esteemed UPSC educational website, helps aspirants prepare for UPSC CSE with 5 years of experience, offering a deep understanding of crucial concepts.

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